I invite you to take a moment to truly look at this image, breathe and take it in. Now consider the title for this blog. While considering the image ask what about the title drew you in? Power. Mindset. I AM! My wish for you with this blog is that you will consider these tips, […]
“Ditch the Junk January” Kick Sugar and Calm Cravings!
Ditch Sugar, Processed Products ( I refuse to call it food LOL), AND Calm Cravings! I am here to tell you it is possible and it is NOT all about willpower! All those years you’ve tried to quit sugar, sugary drinks, junky grains and processed products and weren’t able to, thinking you had no willpower! […]
Set S.M.A.R.T GOALS for 2020 you WILL Crush! Here’s How!
Dream BIG and make it happen! Skip the resolutions! Set S.M.A.R.T meaningful goals you WILL CRUSH this year! SET S.M.A.R.T. GOALS When you set effective goals, you will achieve more! Goals are different than resolutions. Goals provide focus, enhance productivity, bolster self-esteem, and increase commitment! When setting a goal, clearly outline the series of steps […]